Don't Go Away Angry, Just Go Away, Far Away

Is she kidding me! Palin doesn't know she cost McCain the ticket? The McCain/Palin ticket cancelled each other out. It just goes to show how out of touch she is on every subject on every level. Sarah! Wake up and smell the ice caps melting and polar bear carcasses floating a drift. Please, please go away and surface no more. And, by the way, what happened to your health records. Those medical records never made it to the light of day... hmmm does baby Trig have anything to do with that, I wonder...

Zeitgeist Movement - The Venus Project

Zeitgeist Addendum - The Venus Project

Olbermann on Palin - Sees through the BS better than most....

Don't Send Mavericks To Washington

If You're Still Not Convinced Take a Closer Look and Listen

You Betcha - She Better Answer Those Tough Questions

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Do We Need Another Liar In Washington?

According to the Palin campaign, she never visited Iraq. See this tidbit from CNN:

(CNN) -- Sarah Palin did not visit troops in Iraq, a spokesperson for the Republican vice presidential nominee confirmed Saturday, as new details emerged about the extent of the Alaska governor's foreign travel.Gov. Sarah Palin's aide confirmed to CNN details of her foreign travel Saturday.In July of last year, Palin left North America for the first time to visit Alaskan troops stationed in Kuwait. Palin officials originally said her itinerary included U.S. military installations or outposts in Germany and Kuwait, and that she had visited Ireland.A Palin aide in Alaska had said Iraq was also one of the military stops on that trip.The Boston Globe, however, reported Saturday that in response to questions about the trip, Alaska National Guard officials and campaign aides said Palin did not go past the Kuwait-Iraq border.


Jay Neale III said...

None of this surprises me in the least... and that's really sad when you think about it. This woman wants to be V.P. of the United States and she may be a worse choice for office than Bush was!

Barbara said...

I absolutely agree with you. Sarah Palin is a scary individual. I can't image any person backing the McCain/Palin ticket - the combination is a lethal disaster for our country. People need to look at the big picture. All people need to do is read all of the newspapers they can get their eyes on - our country is crumbling around our feet and we owe it all to the Bush administration.